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Master of the Society for Vascular Medicine
The MSVM designation is conferred upon individuals who have provided extraordinary service to the Society for Vascular Medicine. Such an individual will have been a Fellow of the Society for more than 15 years.
Herbert D. Aronow, MD, MPH, MSVM
Naomi M. Hamburg, MD, MS, MSVM
R. Eugene Zierler, MD, RPVI, MSVM
Steven M. Dean, DO, MSVM
Raghu Kolluri, MD, MSVM
Robert D. McBane II, MD, MSVM
Marie D. Gerhard-Herman, MD, MSVM
Paul W. Wennberg, MD, MSVM
Heather L. Gornik, MD, MSVM
Suman W. Wasan, MD, RPVI, MSVM
Maria Teresa B. Abola, MD, MSVM
Diane J. Treat-Jacobson, PhD, RN, MSVM
Teresa L. Carman, MD, MSVM
James B. Froehlich, MD, MPH, MSVM
Emile R. Mohler, MD, MSVM
Judith G. Regensteiner, PhD, MSVM
Joshua A. Beckman, MD, MS, MSVM
Victor Dzau, MD, MSVM
Thom W. Rooke, MD, MSVM
Mary McDermott, MD, MSVM
John R. Bartholomew, MD, MSVM
J. Michael Bacharach, MD, MPH, MSVM
Thomas L. Whitsett, MD, MSVM
Jess R. Young, MSVM
John P. Cooke, MD, PhD, MSVM
Bruce Gray, DO, MSVM
Jonathan L. Halperin, MD, MSVM
Jeffrey W. Olin, DO, MSVM
William R. Hiatt, MD, MSVM
Mark A. Creager, MD, MSVM
Alan T. Hirsch, MD, MSVM
Michael R. Jaff, DO, MSVM
The Jess R. Young Award
The Jess R. Young Outstanding Vascular Medicine Educator Award is conferred upon individuals who have made an exemplary contribution to the field of vascular medicine through the education of its practitioners. The award is presented in honor of Jess R. Young, in recognition of his ground-breaking work in the field of vascular medicine, his pre-eminence as an educator and his vision for multi-specialty programs.

Heather L. Gornik, MD, RVT/RPVI, MSVM
Robert M. Schainfeld, DO, MSVM
Mark A. Creager, MD, MSVM
John (Jerry) Bartholomew, MD, MSVM
R. Eugene Zierler, MD, RPVI, FSVM
Joshua A. Beckman, MD, MS, MSVM
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD, FSVM
Bruce Gray, DO, MSVM
Upstate Vascular Associates
Michael R. Jaff, DO, MSVM
Massachusetts General Hospital
James C. Stanley, MD
University of Michigan
Steven M. Dean, DO, MSVM
Marie Gerhard-Herman, MD, MSVM
William R. Hiatt, MD, MSVM
Thom W. Rooke, MD, MSVM
Jeffrey W. Olin, DO, MSVM
Jay D. Coffman Young Investigator Award
In honor of Jay D. Coffman, MD, (1928-2006), distinguished internist and researcher of vascular medicine and clinical cardiology, SVM sponsors an annual award in vascular medicine research. Young investigators apply for this award as part of submitting an abstract for the annual meeting.

Lingfeng Luo, PhD, Standford University, Stanford, CA
The Interdependence Between Cancer and Atherosclerosis
Emily Juzwiak, BS, John Hopkins University Baltimore, MD
Androgen and Mineralocorticoid Receptor Signaling Contribute to Pubertal Vascular Rupture in Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (VEDS) Mice
Omar Chehab, MD, MSc
John Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Association of HIV Infection with Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients with Aortic Aneurysms
Alec Schmaier, MD, PhD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Tie2 activation protects against prothrombotic endothelial dysfunction in COVID-19
Frank M. Davis, MD
University of Michigan
JMJD3 Regulates Macrophage-mediated Inflammation in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Raymundo A. Quintana
Division of Cardiology, Emory University School of Medicine
PPARgamma Coactivator 1-alpha Deletion Unpregulates Catalase Expression in the Arterial Wall Preventing Atherosclerosis Formation
First Place:
Arvind K. Pandey, MD
Vanderbilt University
CD70 Modulates the Role of eNOS In Endothelial Cells
Second Place:
Eri Fukaya, MD, PhD
Stanford University
Clinical and Genetic Determinants of Varicose Veins: A Prospective, Community-Based Prospective Study of ~500,000 Individuals
First Place:
Corey E. Tabit, MD, MBA, MPH
University of Chicago
Increased Tumor Necrosis Factor-D Levels in Patients with Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Devises Mediate Vascular Instability and Are Associated with Higher Non-Surgical Bleeding
Second Place:
Aaron W. Aday, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Lipoprotein Particle Profiles, Standard Lipids and Peripheral Artery Disease Incidence- Prospective Data from the Women’s Health Study
Third Place:
Shu Meng
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Discovery of a Novel Angiogenic Factor.
First Place:
Devraj Sukul, MD
University of Michigan Health System
The Remarkable Heterogeneity of Ankle-Brachial Indices in Patients Undergoing Revascularization for Critical Limb Ischemia
Second Place:
Scott J. Cameron, MD, PhD
University of Rochester
Hypoxia and Ischemia-Induced Platelet Dysregulation
Basic Science:
Vivek Nanda, PhD, Stanford University
Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2B Regulates Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Mediated Smooth Muscle Cell Recruitment to Ischemic Blood Vessels
Clinical Science/Epidemiology-Arterial and Aortic Disease:
Omair Javed, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Change in Carotid Duplex Ultrasound Velocities after Aortic Valve Replacement for Aortic Stenosis
First Place:
Ehrin Armstrong, University of Colorado
Association Between Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Use and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events Among Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia
Second Place:
Sarah O’Connor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Fibromuscular Dysplasia is a Morbid Disease with Low Associated Mortality: A Report of the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia
Third Place:
Erin Moore, Greenville Health System
Registry Findings of Fibromuscular Dysplasia of the Mesenteric Arteries
Peter Chang, National University Hospital Singapore
The clinical utility of a simple question quantifying physical activity sufficiently intense to induce diaphoresis in the prediction of future risk for PAD and all-cause mortality
Yohannes Ghebremariam, Houston Methodist Research Institute
Proton Pump Inhibitors Inhibit the cardiovascular enzyme DDAH and Regulate Processes Underlying Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Basic Science Award First Place:
Nazish Sayed, Stanford University
Leveraging the Innate Immunity Pathway for Transdifferentiation of Fibroblasts to Endothelial Cells
Second Place:
Geoffrey O. Ouma, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
In Vivo Electroporation of Constitutively Expressed HIF-1 Plasmid DNA Enhances Neovascularization in a Mouse Model of Hindlimb Ischemia
Clinical Science Award First Place:
Ulf Bronas, University of Minnesota
Exercise Improves Vascular Endothelial Function in Patients with Early Diabetic Kidney Disease
Deborah A. Hornacek, Cleveland Clinic
Diagnostic Ability of Duplex Ultrasound to Detect Changes Associated with Carotid and Renal Fibromuscular Dysplasia
View 2008 - 2012 Recipients
1st Place:
Hamza Rana, MD, Wake Forest Univeristy Health Sciences
Concomitant Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Premature Peripheral Artery Disease: Gender-specific Characteristics and Differences
2nd Place:
Aditya Sharma, MBBS, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
High Prevalence of Present on Admission DVT Among Patients Transferred to a Tertiary Cardiovascular Center May Lead to Over Reporting of Adverse Quality Indicators
First Place Basic Science:
Ngan F. Huang, PhD, Stanford University
Therapeutic Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Cells
Runner-up Basic Science:
Porama Thanaporn, MD, Stanford University
Activation of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Type 2 (ALDH2) by alda-1 Increases Maximum Running Distance in a Hindlimb Ischemia Model of Peripheral Arterial Disease
First Place Clinical Science:
Aurelien Wauters, MD, Dept. of Cardiology, Hospital Erasme, Belgium
Acute exposure to diesel particle matter impairs NO-mediated microvascular function
Runner-up Clinical Science:
Amy M. West, MD, University of Virginia Health System
Improvement in Calf Muscle Energetics After Percutaneous Intervention in Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease as Measured with MRI
First Place:
Nicholas J. Leeper, MD
Second Place:
Reena L. Pande, MD
Third Place:
Xudong Liao, PhD
First Place:
Michael Mestek, PhD
Second Place:
Jeffrey Berger, MD
Third Place:
Owen MacEneaney, MS
First Place:
Kenta Nakamura
Second Place:
Heather Gornik, MD
Third Place:
Naomi Hamburg, MD
Mark A. Creager Prize
This annual award is given in recognition of Dr. Mark A. Creager to honor his 19 years of excellence as Editor-in-Chief of Vascular Medicine and more than 28 years of service to the Society, including service as SVM President from 1993-1995. The Creager Prize recognizes the authors of the most meritorious original research paper published in Vascular Medicine and will be given annually.
The winning manuscript will be selected from all original research articles published in Vascular Medicine during the preceding calendar year. A selection committee including the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and designated members of the Editorial Board will evaluate papers. Selection of the winning paper is based upon assessment of scientific importance, novelty, and potential for impact in the field of vascular disease and vascular medicine.

Alok R. Amraotkar, Ugochukwu S. Owolabi, Marina V. Malovichko, Sana Majid, Robert M. Weisbrod, Emelia J. Benjamin, Jessica L. Fetterman, Glenn A. Hirsch, Sanjay Srivastava, Ram Poudel, Rose Marie Robertson, Aruni Bhatnagar, Naomi M. Hamburg, Rachel J. Keith
Andrew W Gardner, Polly S Montgomery, Ming Wang, and Biyi Shen
Ariel Bodker, Alexis Visotcky, David Gutterman, Michael E Widlansky, Jacquelyn Kulinski
Brian D. Duscha, William E. Kraus, William S. Jones, Jennifer L. Robbins, Lucy W. Piner, Kim M. Huffman, Jason D. Allen, and Brian H. Annex
Abayomi O Oyenuga, Aaron R Folsom, Pamela L Lutsey, Weihong Tang
Klaas Frederik Franzen, Johannes Willig, Silja Cayo Talavera, Moritz Meusel, Friedhelm Sayk, Michael Reppel, Klaus Dalhoff, Kai Mortensen, Daniel Droemann
Akhilesh K Sista, Larry E Miller, Susan R Kahn, Jeffrey A Kline
Alan T. Hirsch Travel Award
Deadline to apply: May 16, 2025
About the Award
In memory of SVM Founder and Past-President, Dr. Alan T. Hirsch, the Society for Vascular Medicine offers travel awards to promote the interest of younger vascular clinicians, practitioners, students, and vascular researchers to attend SVM’s Vascular Scientific Sessions. The award is designed to facilitate participation for those without adequate financial resources to attend.
- To cultivate interest in the field of vascular medicine and related vascular research
- To encourage trainees, clinicians, and practitioners to increase their knowledge of vascular medicine.
Eligibility & Application
- Young investigators, clinicians (residents, fellows, and early career physicians), nurses and technologists, and students are encouraged to apply.
- Candidates are selected on the basis of their experience and goals in vascular medicine and related vascular research, their ability to benefit from participation in the annual meeting, and financial need.
- The travel award application process is open to SVM members and non-members who have not previously received an SVM travel award.
- The application includes a statement of need that explains the impact or importance of attending this meeting, current curriculum vitae, and a letter of support from a sponsor (residents and other trainees should include a letter of support from their training directors).
- Travel Award recipients must provide a written summary of how attendance at SVM’s Vascular Scientific Sessions benefited their professional growth in vascular medicine within 30 days of completion of the meeting. Reimbursements will be issued upon receipt of the brief written summary.
Selection Criteria
Criteria for students and trainees may include:
- Prior experiences specific to vascular medicine training or research.
- Likelihood that attending will impact their practicing vascular medicine or conducting vascular research in the future.
- The availability of other support to attend the meeting.
Criteria for practicing physicians or other practitioners may include:
- People in early or mid-career who provide medical care for patients with vascular disease.
- The magnitude of the impact attending the conference would have on the applicant’s delivery of care.
Award and Registration
Travel award recipients may receive complimentary registration to SVM’s Vascular Scientific Sessions (valued at up to $950, depending on membership status and level of training). In addition, a limited number of award recipients may receive complimentary hotel accommodations.

Presidential Distinguished Service & Presidential Citation Awards
Presidential Distinguished Service
The first-ever Presidential Distinguished Service Awards were given to Mark Creager, MD, MSVM, and Joanne Normandin. Dr. Creager received the award for his service to SVM. He served as Editor-in-Chief of Vascular Medicine from 1996 until 2014. Joanne Normandin worked with Dr. Creager as managing editor of Vascular Medicine. She was honored for her many years of service as well.
Mark Creager, MD, MSVM, Editor-in-Chief, Vascular Medicine
Joanne Normandin, Managing Editor, Vascular Medicine
Presidential Citation Award
The first-ever Presidential Citation Award was given to the Anticoagulation Forum | Ansell Fellowship Program Sites.