The SVM Vascular Medicine Fellowship Training Program Toolkit was designed to provide general guidance and potential useful tools for those developing, or enhancing, a vascular medicine fellowship training program. The sections were created to cover the essential elements required for a formal program description using the general format of the ACGME for non-standard training programs.1 This is not intended to replace or recapitulate the content of the previous developed training documents in vascular medicine (see Advance Training in Vascular Medicine and COCATS-4).2,3 This information should help facilitate formulation of all the key elements of a vascular medicine training program. There are links to relevant outside resources and attachments of example documents and forms – many modified from other vascular medicine training programs. In addition, there are links to useful curriculum materials such as link to relevant guidelines, key review articles and lectures series.
The essential elements of a program description include key demographic information, recruitment and selection process, overall goal and objectives, clinical and didactic components, evaluation process, facilities and faculty description, and funding source. An example of a program description is provided. View the VM Fellowship Program description here.
The sections of the toolkit include the following:
- VM Fellowship Recruitment and Selection
- VM Fellowship Clinical and Educational Structure
- VM Fellowship Core Curriculum Content
- VM Fellowship Evaluation Process
- VM Fellowship Funding Mechanisms