Society for Vascular Medicine

International Atlas of Vascular Clinical Cases

International Atlas of Vascular Clinical Cases

The Society for Vascular Medicine in collaboration with VAS (European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine) and several other European groups, is creating an International Atlas of Vascular Clinical Cases to serve as an educational resource to improve global understanding and management of vascular diseases.

SVM is now collecting cases in the following categories:

  • Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Microcirculatory Disorders and Vasculitis
  • Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection
  • Renal-Mesenteric Disease
  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency
  • Venous Thromboembolic Disease

Benefits for Authors

  • Cases will be available online prior to publishing in print.
  • All authors will be listed in the Atlas.
  • All authors will receive free online access to the Atlas and all major reference works on SpringerLink, currently over 900 books.

Email your case (with subject line stating the clinical category) to [email protected], no later than April 30th, 2025.

Informational Links: