Productive Mentoring Programs

Suggestions for Productive Mentoring Relationships
General Guidelines and Suggestions
- Consider various modes of communication (e-mail, phone, text, FaceTime, Skype).
- Have regular e-mail exchanges; try to have contact at least once every 4 to 6 weeks.
- Arrange phone calls, video meetings, or in-person meetings in advance, and kindly give at least 24 hours’ notice if you are unable to attend.
- Potential topics for discussion could include clinical training and practice, time management, work/life balance, challenging cases, career paths, research projects, contract negotiation, grant writing, and/or collaborating with industry.
Tips for Mentors
- Consider working with your mentee to develop short- and long-term goals for the mentoring relationship.
- Be a sounding board and an attentive listener. Help your mentee identify and implement strategies to meet goals.
- Set expectations and boundaries with your mentee to clarify your role, your availability, and your preferred methods of communication.
- Consider opening up your professional network to your mentee and connecting him/her to other potential mentors or collaborators.
Tips for Mentees
- Be proactive and take responsibility for making the mentoring relationship work.
- Communicate to your mentor early on what you would like out of the mentoring relationship, and be open to the possibility that your goals will change over time.
- Be respectful of your mentor’s time and express your gratitude for the guidance.